Selamat malam gan semuanya, berjumpa kembali dengan Saya, Dayat. Di Postingan kali ini saya akan meracuni lagi kamu semua nih dengan ROM baru ini buat device Kenzo kalian,, yupss PureNEXUS Project, ROM ini lagi booming gan,, Dari beberapa sumber juga dikatakan rom Nexus itu antimainstream gan, gak ada di device lain, cuma ekslusif buat Pixel & Nexus saja. Jika kalian mencari rom yg bebas Bloatware, Stabil & Fitur yg lumayan lengkap, maka cobalah rom yg satu ini.
Kelebihan dari ROM ini:
*All stock Nexus features working!!(WiFi calling, Project Fi, VoLte)
*Based on AOSP Android 7.1.1_r26
*Busybox, and Init.d support
*Googles Pixel sounds and OEM wallpapers from factory images
*Googles Pixel theme and Pixel navbar animation
*Bug fix's and stability improvements
*UI Improvements (fixed a bunch google forgot to materialize)
*Rootless Substratum OMS Theme Engine support
*ADB enhancements (ADB over wifi, Hide ADB icon, colored logcat "abd logcat -C")
*Enabled Developer settings by default
*Enabled Night mode for all devices
*Custom night light brightness options
*Disabled forced encryption
*Disabled tether provision checks
*Made preselectable item clickable in app picker dialog
*Added download speed in notification
*Added Advanced Reboot menu
*Added Advanced screenshot functionality (longpress tile/power menu for selectable screenshot)
*Added back volume adjust sounds and toggle
*Added advanced rotation control and lockscreen rotation toggle
*Added ability to lock app in landscape via rotation tile
*Added advanced charging sound controls
*Added advanced seekbar style animation controls
*Added Quick setting header Longpress actions
*Added ability to see app version when sideloading app
*Added app package name to app info screen
*Added ability to launch app when touching app icon in app info screen
*Added phone info shortcut to about phone/status on top
*Added dynamic vendor image notification
*Added additional battery saver trigger steps
*Added ability to unlink notification volume from ringer volume
*Added Increasing ringtone option
*Removed googles SystemUpdate option
*Removed googles legal information
-PureNexus Settings
Lock Screen
*Lockscreen item option(time, date, alarm text toggles & Clock font style)
*Double tap anywhere to sleep
*Long press power for torch
*Option to disable lockscreen media art
*Option to scramble the pin entry layout
*Option to disable the pin ripple background when entering lockscren pin
*Option to disable fingerprint success vibration
Notification Drawer
*quick settings pulldown (left,right,always)
*smart pulldown (no ongoing, no dismissable, no notifications)
*advanced quick settings easy toggle
*Brightness slider on/off toggle
*Haptic feedback on quick setting on/off toggle
*ability to disable quick settings on secure lockscreen
*ability to disable the quick settings title text
*ability to change number of quick settings columns
*ability to change the amount of rows in quick settings
*ability to set contexual or custom header images
Recent apps
*immersive recents
*kill all fab
*kill all fab location
*Battery customization(percentage/icon style)
*sync battery icon with quick settings tile
*Battery bar options(location, color, style, thickness, animation)
*Carrier Label customization(placement, text)
*Clock customization(show clock, show seconds, alignment, ampm, date, date style, date position, date format)
*Network traffic meter options(enable, display units, update interval, hide arrows, auto hide, inactivity threshold)
*Statusbar icon blacklist
*Double tap on statusbar to sleep
*Status bar brightness control
*Status bar notification count
*Status bar bluetooth battery meter toggle
Navigation Bar
*Navbar toggle and Height/width options
*Navigation bar tuner
*Pixel navbar animation toggle
*Ability to enable one handed mode
*Ability to enabe double tap to sleep
*longpress back to kill
*configurable longpress back to kill timeout
Hardware keys
*Custom key binding
*Backlight control
*Option to disable on secure lock
*Add/remove (reboot, screenshot, screen-record, torch, airplane mode, user switcher,settings shortcut, search, voice search, lock now, sound panel)
Volume Rocker
*Volume keys control media volume
*Volume key wake
*Volume key music control
*Volume key orientation swap
*Volume key keyboard cursor control
*Volume up and power action (screen record/selectable screenshot)
*Volume down to enter do not disturb
*Volume up to exit do not disturb
*Do not disturb volume panel switch
*Volume steps customization
*expanded desktop options
*option to enable/disable wake on plug
*3 finger swipe for screenshot toggle
*Battery and Notification LED controls
Media & Notifications
*Ability to turn off vibration when double tapping power button for camera
*Power notification controls
*Peeking notification option(on/off, timeout, snooze length)
*low battery notification toggle
*ability to enable app icon on toast
*force enable or disable scrolling cache
*incall vibration options
Gimana broo? Penasaran bukan?? Okee langsung mari eksekusi...
Langkah flashing:
- Masuk ke custom TWRP (tekan Power + Volum Up)
- Clean Wipe > System, Data, Cache, Dalvik Cache, Cust
- Tekan Back
- Flash ROM PureNEXUS-Kenzo-20170321
- Flash fix Fingerprint Goodix
- Flash OpenGAPPS (ARM64 7.1 Pico/Nano/Stock)
- Wipe Cache/Dalvik
- Reboot (pertama booting memakan waktu 3-10 menit)
- Link ROOT: SuperUser Latest
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon