How to Install CWM / TWRP recovery On Lava iris X8 running on Android Lollipop 5.0 .
Do you want to install Cwm / Twrp recovery on Lava iris X8 Lollipop 5.0 Version ? if yes then you are at right place . Today we are here with a guide on How to Flash Clock work mod recovery on Lava iris x8 successfully .
Recently Lava pushed the lollipop 5.0 update on Lava iris x8 and after the update Cwm recovery installed on Lava iris X8 was deleted automatically . So today we are here with a guide on How to Flash Cwm or TWRP recovery on lava iris X8 running on android lollipop version .
Cwm Recovery For Lava Iris X8 Lollipop .
First of all you should be on rooted lava iris x8 to root Lava iris X8 you can follow our guide on How to root lava iris X8 easily .
Now after rooting the lava iris X8 you can easily Flash cwm recovery on Lava iris x8 .
So Starting with the guide :-
- First of all download the Custom recovery package from Here .
- Now place it in the root of your internal memory or Sd card .
- Now download mobile uncle tools from Playstore .
- After Downloading open the app .
- Now you will see many options , You have to choose recovery Update :-
- Now Choose the recovery.img you downloaded earlier .
- As soon as you choose to flash the recovery the phone will start to install cwm recovery on your lava iris x8 .
After flashing the recovery on your lava iris x8 you will be able to upgrade the lava iris x8 to new android version by flashing custom rom on iris x8 .
So this was our guide on How to Flash Custom recovery on Lava iris X8 , i hope this guide helped you in installing CWM / Twrp recovery on Lava iris X8 running on android lollipop 5.0 version .
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