How to Update Micromax Canvas Spark Q380 To android 6.0 Marshmallow .
Do you want to update Canvas spark to android marshmallow 6.0 m ? Then you are at right place . today we are here with the Marshmallow 6.0 update for Micromax canvas spark .
Micromax canvas spark was the first handset from Micromax in spark series . This smartphone was launhced on snapdeal and to grab the smartphone one has to wait in flash sales . Recently micromax launched the Canvas spark 3 you can read our review of Micromax Canvas spark 3 . The smartphone was launched on april 2015 and after 1 year of launch still the smartphone is not updated to android marshmallow 6.0 . So today we are here with a guide on How to update micromax canvas spark to android 6.0 marshmallow .
Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update for Micromax Canvas Spark .
Upto now the company haven't rolled out the official marshmallow update for canvas spark . So in this guide we will tell you how you can check if there is a update available for your device or not . In addition we will also provide a modified version of the stock rom .
Method 1 :-
- First of all turn off your smartphone for 2 minutes .
- Now turn it on again .
- Now head over to the settings of smartphone .
- In settings open About phone .
- Now there you will see a option " Check system updates " .
- Open that , Now you will see a Update available ( only if compnay have pushed ) , Download the update .
- Now tap on reboot and install button .
- The updating will take some time to complete the installation of marshmallow update on Canvas spark .
- Thats all !!! This was the way to officially update Micromax canvas spark to android 6.0 marshmallow .
Method 2 :-
Android 6.0 Marshmallow custom rom for Micromax canvas Spark Q380 .
This is not a android 6.0 custom rom for canvas spark Q380 , instead it is a updated version of Stock rom .
Flashing the rom can brick your smartphone if the procedure is not followed correctly , So do everything at your own risk . We will not be responsible for any kind of damage caused .
- Download the updated Stock rom from HERE .
- Now download the latest Sp flash tool .
- After downloading the Sp flash tool ,Make sure that MTK drivers are installed on your pc .
- Now open the Sp flash tool folder .
- Open the Sp flash tool ( Run as Administrator )
- Now tap on Scatter file loading and select MT6582_android_scatter.txt .
- Open options and select
- Radio button .
- Select High speed .
- DA Download with all Check sum .
- Now tap on Drop down menu and Select Download only option .
- Now turn off your smartphone .
- Tap on Download button and immediately connect your canvas spark to pc via usb cable .
- Now the updating will start .
- After updating the smartphone will automatically reboot .
So this was our guide on How to update Micromax canvas spark to android 6.0 marshmallow
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