How to Update Asus Zenfone 5 to Marshmallow 6.0 M .

Upgrade Asus Zenfone 5 T00F/T00J to Android marshmallow 6.0 .

Do you want to update Asus Zenfone 5 to android 6.0 marshmallow . Today we are here with a android Marshmallow updating guide for Asus zenfone 5 . Asus Zenfone 5 was undoubtedly the blockbuster smartphone of year 2014 , It was one of the first smartphones in Indian market with 2gb of ram and a powerful 2ghz processor . The phone came with Android jellybean out of the box and then after sometime company pushed Android lollipop 5.1 update in the Zenfone 5 .

The Asus zenfone 5 still runs on outdated android lollipop version so today we are here with a guide on How to update Asus Zenfone 5 to android M Marshmallow 6.0 . Asus Zenfone 5 is a 5 inch device with Intel atom 2.ghz Dual core processor , Under hood there is 2gb of ram with PowerVr Gpu for awesome HD graphics . 
Okay so without wasting much time lets head over to our guide on How to upgrade Asus Zenfone 5 to android marshmallow 6.0 .


Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update for Asus Zenfone 5 A510CG / A500CG .

To update the Zenfone 5 to android 6.0 Marshmallow we will use a Custom rom based on android marshmallow . 

Before flashing the Cm13 custom rom Here are some points you need to take care of :- 

  • This is not a official marshmallow update for zenfone 5 .
  • We will use a cyanogen mod 13 Custom rom so there are some chances of bugs because the rom is still in beta stage . 
  • After installing the marshmallow update on your Asus zenfone 5 you will loose the warranty .
  • Make a backup of all your contacts and files .
  • charge your smartphone to a minimum 70% .
  • You should be using a Faster internet connection to download the custom rom . 
  • There are chances of bricking the device while flashing the custom rom on your device , so do everything at your own risk .

CM 13 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow custom rom for Asus Zenfone 5 .

  • First of all Download the Custom rom From HERE .
  • After Downloading the Custom rom copy it in a new folder and name it as Marshmallow Update for Zenfone 5 .
  • Now install USB Drivers for android devices  .
  • Now turn off your smartphone .
  • Boot into DroidBoot mode .
  • Press Power + Volume Up to Boot in Droidboot mode .
  • Now unlock your device by Bootloader unlocker tool .
  • After Unlocking flash the custom rom by fastboot tool .
  • To Flash the custom rom by fastboot mode you have to give the following commands .
fastboot flash boot boot-20160406+1.img

Fastboot flash system systemCM-13.0-20160406.img

After Giving the above commands clear data and cache by fastboot tool .

Fastboot erase data 

 Fastboot erase userdata 

Fastboot erase cache .

Now reboot your smartphone , and thats all you have successfully updated your Asus zenfone 5 to android m 6.0 marshmallow .

Here are some screenshots of the Cyanogenmod 13 custom rom for Asus Zenfone 5 :- 




So this was our guide on How to update Asus zenfone 5 to android 6.0 m marshmallow , I hope after installing the Cm13 android marshmallow 6.0.1 custom rom for zenfone 5 you were able to update the asus zenfone 5 to android marshmallow .
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