Oct Os 6.0 Unofficial(Marshmallow for andriod one)

Team OctOs presents Oct-M.

They maintain a current release record and change-log on our website: http://www.teamoctos.com

- Please Do Not Mirror our files without talking to us. We can do that ourselves should we desire to. -
Basic Instructions:
  1. Download ROM .zip file and MD5 file, and grab your favourite gapps package
  2. Reboot to Recovery (Note: Use Reboot to Recovery from Power Menu, Hardware-based boot to recovery, or adb reboot recovery - ROM Manager or similar software is NOT supported)
    --- TWRP is the ONLY recovery Team OctOs uses - We do not support flashing on CWM ---
  3. Factory Reset from TWRP
  4. Flash ROM and GApps .ZIP files
  5. Reboot

* ROM Download

* Gapps 6.0 Mini

The Oct-M ROM installation script will automatically wipe /system, /cache, and /data/dalvik-cache. There is no need to do these before or after flashing the ROM unless you are instructed to by your GApps Provider

The foundation of the Android OS is the fact that is it open-source. We have all code we use internally in the creation of Oct-M available on our GitHub repositories.

Unless otherwise specified, all Oct-M builds use the device's stock kernel.

Team OctOs GitHub - http://www.github.com/Team-OctOs
Team OctOs Gerrit Review - http://www.teamoctos.com:8080
Team OctOs GPLv2 License - http://www.teamoctos.com/license/
Team OctOs Patreon Campaign - https://www.patreon.com/TOctOs

A Special thanks to @akhilnarang for his commits and interest towards development

Want To Build Your Own?
Check out the ReadMe on our GitHub for Instructions

Follow Us at the various websites below!

XDA:DevDB Information
OctOS-M, ROM for the OEM Cross Device Development

ujwal.p, cjkacz
Source Code: http://www.github.com/Team-OctOs

ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
Based On: AOSP

Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 1.0
Beta Release Date: 2015-11-04

Created 2015-11-04
Last Updated 2015-11-05
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