TeamRadium based on Lollipop 5.1.1 for Redmi 1s [OFFICIAL]

Team-Radium is based on CyanogenMod with more features from various ROM.
This ROM is worth trying because its Mixed with many features of from different ROM.
What Team-Radium Say
This ROM aims for optimizations and a lot of features which are constantly being added throughout.

So its New ROM lets talk about it Features:
Ota Updater: It support ota updates.
Get over-the-air update notification automatically
Radium Isotopes:
Status Bar tweaks
Interface Settings
Recents panel settings
Lock Screen settings and shortcuts
Animation Settings
Wakelock Blocker
Status Bar settings:
Status Bar greeting
Clock style
Battery status style
Battery percentage modifiers
Network traffic options in statusbar
Carrier label options
Interface Settings:
Gesture Anywhere
App Circle Sidebar
Lock Screen Settings:
Lock Screen shortcuts
Double tap to sleep anywhere
Clock widget settings
Animation Settings:
Custom AOKP system animations
Toast Animations
ListView Animations
ListView Interpolator
Recents Panel Settings:
Enable/Disable Recents Floating Action Button
Show membar in recents
Show search bar in recents
Modify recents clear all location
Sound Settings:
Volume step modifier
Button Settings:
NavBar dimensions customizations and navbar tint.
Double tap navbar to sleep
Pie controls
WakeLock Blocker:
Enable/Disable system wakelocks
Optimizations included:
Kernel code compiled with UBERTC 6.0
-Ofast flags to kernel
Full -Ofast in ROM
Many memory leaks and fixes not found in cm


How to Flash
Copy that zip to your phone
1. Reboot to recovery [TWRP Recommended]
2.Backup your current ROM [Not Necessary just in case something goes wrong and you wish to revert back]
3. Go to wipe in twrp and wipe dalvik,cache,system and data.
4. Flash Team-Radium zip and the GApps.
5.Reboot now it will boot  wait 15Min.
How to Enable Root Access?
This ROM is pre-rooted
developer options = root access = apps only
(Tap build number in setting = About to enable developer option)
It is based on CM 12.1 so bugs are same as CM 12.1

notiflux, sarath280, akhilnarang
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: CyanogenMod

Version Information
Status: Testing

Google|CyanogenMod|AICP|AOKP|SlimRoms|UBERTC team|Chet Kener and OptiPop|JustArchi|temasek and arter97|Marvin|Main thread
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