cara ini permanen dan apabila ingin mengembalikan ke default maka harus di edit lagi NVram nya.catet/SS value NV sebelum di ubah, simpenan bila ingin ubah lagi ke NV default.
download dulu bahan2nya kemudian install di PC anda:
cara ini permanen dan apabila ingin mengembalikan ke default maka harus di edit lagi NVram nya.catet/SS value NV sebelum di ubah, simpenan bila ingin ubah lagi ke NV default.
download dulu bahan2nya kemudian install di PC anda:
- QXDM --> http://www.mediafire.com/download/tuk1xsxp8n1hdwp/QXDM-3.12.714.rar
- QPST --> https://app.box.com/s/gnrfpcaekr588y5v28tw96o1birzstg7
- driver --> http://d-h.st/Mii atau https://app.box.com/s/hk6plhez7yytejb5ganzkta0ptpj2bnm
- aktifkan mode diag --> *#*#717717#*#* http://prntscr.com/6o2mcj (kalau mode diag sudah aktif maka hh tidak akan terdetek di explorer)
- sambungkan hh (keadaan nyala) ke pc dan pastikan port nya terbaca (liat di device manager) http://prntscr.com/6o2lsz
- buka QXDM Professionals -> Options -> communications ->lalu pilih port http://prntscr.com/6o2q7p
- di menu klik View -> New -> Common -> pilih NV browser http://prntscr.com/6o2r60
- edit NV nyaNV yg di edit adalah NV 441, 946, 2954 & 1877 caranya yaitu samakan value NV sim1 dan sim2
- contohnya NV 441 value pada sim1 yaitu 0x387 sedangkan value pada sim2 yaitu 0x380, maka kita ubah value sim2 menjadi 0x387 caranya: NV 441 -> http://prntscr.com/6o2xxk
- NV 946 -> http://prntscr.com/6o37ig
- NV 2954 -> http://prntscr.com/6o383q
- NV 1877 -> http://prntscr.com/6o39jw
- Enable diag mode, dial *#*#717717#*#* http://prntscr.com/6o2mcj
- Connect device into PC without turning off the device and make sure the port has connected (see on device manager) http://prntscr.com/6o2lsz
- Open QXDM Professionals -> Options -> communications -> choose port http://prntscr.com/6o2q7p
- Go to View -> New -> Common -> select NV browser http://prntscr.com/6o2r60
- Tick dual sim
- Search ID 00441, click on it and then select Read. Now you can see the Value, and it was 0x387.Click Subscription Id, select 1 and click Read again, the result was 0x380.you just need to make the value of Subcription Id 1 same as Subcription Id 0Double click on 0x380, then change it into 0x387 and EnterClick WriteAlso,you need to change the value of ID 00946, 02954 & 01877. Just make the value of Subscription id 1 same as Subscription id 0 (the steps are same as you change the value of ID 00441)for picture,you can see here:ID 441 -> http://prntscr.com/6o2xxk ID 00946 -> http://prntscr.com/6o37igID 02954 -> http://prntscr.com/6o383qID 01877 -> http://prntscr.com/6o39jw
- After it, exit QXDM Proffesional and disconect your device from PC
- Reboot your device, make 2G network on SIM 1 and 3G only on sim 2
- dont forget to disable diag mode, dial *#*#717717#*#*
- Done, now your device is dual 3G :D
- Sumber : om Gandy Gembeld
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