How to Move APP2SD in Redmi 1s

MIUI Rom Doesn't Support App2sd by default so you need to have a rooted device.
How to root Redmi 1s MIUI v5
How to Root Redmi 1s MIUI6 and MIUI7
We will move forward by assuming you are a rooted user
Download FolderMount
Support for Android 2.3 - 5.0
Most of Games don't have an option to use the external SD card to store data so they eat your internal SD memory.
This solution will fix the issue.
1. Open The app and allow superuser access.
2. Click the + button on top of the screen.
3. Type a name in the name & click source->Android->obb->Game Data then click the tick mark on the top of the screen.
Note : For each game the data directory field different so select the data package correctly
4. Click yes when promted,then again click the tick mark on top of the screen and again select yes when prompted.
5. FolderMount will move the file from Internal Memory to SD card,wait till it reaches 100%.
6. You will see the name you gave to the game,along side it will be a pin in grey color,click it and it will turn green.
7. Now you can check the storage to note that the app has moved to SD Card,you can play the game with the data in the SD card.



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